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The Case of 25 Year-Long Disgraceful Persecution and Injustice!

25 years ago today, a corrupt dictator, Eduard Shevardnadze, who overthrew the legitimately elected president in a bloody coup starting a civil war, with the help of his corrupt regime, corrupt judges and corrupt henchmen abused power and used the corrupt prosecution system to silence the former Chief of Security, Igor Giorgadze, who refused to obey immoral orders and who refused to assist Shevardnadze in rigging the forthcoming elections:

As a result:

  •  After the August 29, 1995 infamous car explosion dubbed by the public as the “self-staged assassination attempt”, Shevardnadze fired Giorgadze from his post without an explanation.
  •  17 days after the incident, the investigators announced that the case had been solved and alleged that the culprits have been found (no mention of Igor Giorgadze or anyone connected to him).
  •  On the 26th of September, on the day Giorgadze published an open letter to Shevardnadze denouncing his regime and exposing his corrupt machinations. The Georgian investigators opened the investigation and the General Prosecutor, in a sloppy, hastily written false allegation, accused Giorgadze of having “masterminded” the alleged attempt on Shevardnadze in the year “1885” (sic).
  •  State controlled media was given orders to refer to Giorgadze as “number one international terrorist” repeated like a mantra for the entire duration of Eduard Shevardnadze’s illegitimate stay in power.
  •  Everyone associated with Igor Giorgadze faced severe repressions, persecution, unlawful arrests, torture, assassination, false incarceration and time for crimes they did not commit. Five innocent men who refused to sign false confessions were thrown out of the window of the Shevardnadze’s right hand man, Interior Minister, Shota Kviraia’s office during “interrogations” with Kviraia’s office labeling the incidents as “suicide”.
  •  Hundreds of families were severely repressed.
  •  Dozens of innocent people who refused to sign false confessions were tortured and maimed, some died as a result of complications and others became handicapped.
  •  Rapes and threats of rapes were used to illicit false confessions all of which were retracted by the victims of trumped up charges during the court hearings.
  • Family members of the persecuted were deemed unemployable and struggled to make ends meet.
  • A show trial which saw 13 accused and over 300 people give testimonies, failed to connect either the accused or Igor Giorgadze to the charges.
  • The second wave of persecution, this time involving arrest of Igor Giorgadze’s family members and opposition members of five different parties was launched by a nationalist Mikheil Saakashvili (who replaced Shevardnadze in 2003), convicting 14 innocent people of “conspiracy to overthrow the government” and with Saakashvili publicly stating he “did everything in my power to not allow Giorgadze back to Georgia and every consecutive government should do the same”.
  • Presently all of the falsely accused have been exonerated, they have all been found to have been falsely imprisoned and not guilty of all of the charges, after countless evidence and witness testimonies proving the innocent political prisoners were falsely accused with the motive of desisting their criticism of the Saakashvili regime.
  • Since 2005, after the passing of the law permitting trials in absentia, the Saakashvili regime blocked every attempt to try Giorgadze without providing any legal justification for the unlawful prevention of the trial.
  • The case materials in Giorgadze’s trumped up case were labeled as “top secret” until 2015 and even the defense was barred from accessing them 20 years after the false allegations were made by the internationally recognized corrupt judicial system of Eduard Shevardnadze. The system which is still heavily infiltrated by the Shevardnadze/Saakashvili era individuals manage to protract, hold back and corrupt this case even today in order to prevent a fair trial, due process and an objective ruling in the case.
  • After the trial was artificially held back due to regular reallocation of judges (three judges were replaced, the trial was started anew three times) the hearings have been ongoing for, now, 4 years. Hundreds of testimonies read, 130 case files (with the name Igor Giorgadze first mentioned in case file #93 in the context of a non-incriminating phone conversation between Giorgadze and his parents) and no evidence to implicate Giorgadze.
  • In 2016, Interpol removed Giorgadze from the wanted list after it studied the case materials in relation to the violations of Articles 2 and 3 of Interpol’s Constitution and permanently deleted Giorgadze’s achieve in compliance with Interpol’s rules. 

25 (twenty five) years of persecution
21 (twenty one) years of denial to a fair trial
4 (four) years (and counting) of protraction of the trial
0 (zero) incriminating evidence
0 (zero) incriminating testimonies
100% political motive for persecution

Is a person who is guilty beyond reasonable doubt, against whom there is evidence and at least two witnesses, deterred from accessing a court hearings for 21 years?

Does a government, that has the evidence and controls the narrative in the press, withhold showing that evidence via media?

Are there any cases in a civilized world, which is governed based on democratic principles and respects the rule of the law, where a person is denied a verdict for 25 years and counting?


This  case is a travesty and yet another shameful stain on the corrupt regimes of Georgia and the even more corrupt immoral judicial system of this country! Even the infamous Dreyfus case was over in 8 long years and even officer Dreyfus found justice in the France of 1800s while the Georgian judicial system is still not ready to evolve from the remorseless, unjust, immoral and corrupt Shevardnadze era judicial system and in 2020 is not able to catch up with the judicial system of France of 120 years ago.

The trumped up, dystopian Giorgadze trial is a disgrace, demonstrating nothing but the fact that Georgia never became a democracy, never reformed the judicial system and is run like a caricature court in Alice in Wonderland - based on political/personal absurd whims of whoever happens to be in power!

In the spirit of the infamous "big lie" tactic of Hitler and Gobbles, where the Nazis counted on the gullibility of the public, believing that the "bigger the lie the more likely the people are to believe in it" the Shevardnadze/Saakashvili regimes made allegations so grandiose and incredible as to plant doubts in the public's mind that at least something must be true!

Every single allegation is a lie! Every single charge is false! The absurd allegations were only short of Kennedy and Ghandi assassination accusations to complete the picture of absurdity! A man innocent of ALL charges, so much so that even the main nemesis, Shevardnadze, eventually admitted to in his 2006 Georgia Times interview that he “never saw any evidence against Giorgadze”, has been vilified and used as a political scare crow because of his views for 25 years! The dictatorial and cowardly regimes afraid of alternative perspective, may have won some time but they will lose the war - the tower of lies built on nothing but mud and slime will eventually collapse and justice will ultimately prevail! One day, the Giorgadze case will be taught in history and law faculties as a Georgain Dreyfus case and an example of one of the longest, protracted political trials in Georgian judicial history and as an example of a cowardly exploitation of judicial system for nefarious personal/political reasons.